In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PF-5719 dated May 15, 2019, in the structure of JSC “Directorate of the SEZ” Navoi”, the organization of an Export Support Center and the provision of consulting and intermediary services to participants of the SEZ “Navoi”, the organization of their participation in exhibition and business events in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad, conducting marketing research on commercial based on the order of the participant through their assistance in the export of products, the main task and direction of the center’s activities are determined.
JSC “Directorate of SEZ ” Navoi ” is exempt from taxes for the entire period of activity of free economic zones.
The initial authorized capital of JSC “Directorate of FEZ “Navoi” will be formed at the expense of the property of the reorganized State Unitary Enterprise”Directorate of the Free Economic Zone “Navoi”;
Maintenance of engineering and communication networks located on the territory of the SEZ “Navoi” is carried out by the relevant territorial divisions of ministries and departments on orders of JSC “Directorate of the SEZ “Navoi”;
JSC ” Navoi SEZ Directorate ” is the legal successor of the State Unitary Enterprise “Navoi Free Economic Zone Directorate”;
The joint – stock function in the authorized capital of JSC ” Directorate of SEZ” Navoi ” on behalf of the State is carried out by the Agency for the Management of State Assets of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
JSC “Navoi SEZ Directorate”, within the limits of its powers, manages state real estate objects located on the territory of Navoi region, and in coordination with the administrative council of free economic and small industrial zones of Navoi region, manages unused state property objects with a total area of no more than 5,000 square meters for the implementation of investment projects on the territory of Navoi (except for objects specified in Appendices 1 and 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. PP-3067 dated June 16, 2015 “on measures to further improve the procedures for the sale of state-owned objects”);
Public services for all participants of the SEZ “Navoi”, including licensing and obtaining permits
It is provided by JSC “Directorate of SEZ “Navoi” and/or the Agency of Public Services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the principle of “single window”.
The sources of financing of the activities of JSC “Directorate of SEZ” Navoi ” are determined by:
One-time payments for registration of SEZ participants;
Proceeds from the lease of land plots, buildings and structures at the disposal and management;
Revenue from the sale of services provided by JSC “Directorate of SEZ” Navoi”, including marketing, consulting, logistics, hotel, educational and personnel;
targeted budget allocations;
grants from foreign and international organizations;
donations from individuals and legal entities;
other sources not prohibited by law.